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Register your CV with us today

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Whatever level you are currently at, whatever your short, medium and long terms goals are, you can rest assured that ORUS will put you first!! Our aim is help every candidate achieve their goals, whether that’s by directly introducing you to one of our clients or offering unbiased advice to help you towards achieving your targets. So what can you expect from working with ORUS in your search for a new position?

A dedicated Candidate Relationship Manager. This so we can really get to you know you and gain a deep understanding of your aspirations and manage your expectations. They will hold your hand right through the whole process making sure you are kept fully up to speed on all developments and making sure you are fully prepared for interviews and all other key stages of the process.

Industry knowledge. You can work with us safe in the knowledge that we have relationships with most companies you would like to work for!! If we don’t then we will tell who you need to approach directly!! We can also help bench mark your salary to help you understand what you should being paid, advise on training and other courses that will help you.

Complete transparency on everything that we do. Full and honest feedback on applications and interviews which will delivered in a constructive manner.

We will go that extra mile!! On occasion we literally have gone that extra mile by taking the candidates to interviews and on their first day or work. Proverbially we will go that extra mile by doing everything in our power to make sure you have every chance of achieving your goal.

This is just some examples of how we go about “Creating Special Relationships” and why over 80% of our new registrations are recommendations.



     ORUS 360 Ecosystem

What makes us different:

  • Extensive reach: We remain a central part of the security profession working with our clients through CSO/ senior level engagement – We are considered as thought leaders. We promote discussion and ‘horizon thinking’ (McCrindle)
  • Our extensive activities enable consistent contact with key profiles and emerging talent – we are the trusted partner to explore capabilities, development and career opportunities in confidence.
  • Passive candidate - The person that you are looking for may not be looking for you. We are in contact with top-performers that are focused and satisfied in their current position, but trust us to advise them of the ‘right’ opportunity.
  • Pro-active search enables the broadest reach to the best candidates across all sectors, as opposed to the best available at the time.
  • We deliver consultation to individuals leaving the Services – Police, Military, Intelligence and Security looking to establish a 1st career in a commercial environment; through one2one counsel and breakfast briefings through collaboration with Ex Service in Commerce.
  • We are transparent. We share research, market intelligence, compensation reports, group structures, emerging trends and information sources.
  • We produce annual salary surveys and editorials that are presented globally at international security associations, forums and trade publications.
  • ORUS Search is meticulous and stops at the point of job offer: We guarantee an equal screening and interviewing process, open communication and transparency. We present candidates who want the job, can do the job and will positively impact your business from day one.



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